Saturday, December 19, 2009

Green Aquavit

Last night, we were going to a Swedish Julbord (traditional Christmas dinner) at Tre Kronor restaurant in Chicago. So we stopped at Binny's to pick up some beverages. Aquavit was first on our list, and our only choices were Danish, Norwegian, and North Shore. North Shore?? But given that my partner is Swedish, she decided that was better than the alternatives. Plus, as I pointed out, it was the greenest option, given that it only traveled a few miles as opposed to a few thousand. I don't particularly care for aquavit's fiery sensation, but that's fine b/c I was the designated driver and it was 90 proof.

The setting at Tre Kronor is quite lovely--candlelight, a fire in the fireplace, beautifully arranged buffet tables with delicious food; it feels like you are in someone's home in Sweden. The dinner consists of four courses, the first of which is nine different types of herring. That's when you bring out the aquavit. It is poured into tiny chilled glasses (less than a shot), and some people down the whole thing at once, although I sipped mine with trepidation. It was actually quite tasty! Kudos to the folks at North Shore Distillery. They really did make a nice smooth, tasty aquavit. And I also realize why aquavit is the drink of choice at a Julbord. After the herring, there is the second (cold) course, followed by the hot course, and, finally, dessert. If you drank anything else (with less alcohol, but more volume), you would explode. As it was, I took no more than a tiny portion of any one thing (and skipped many of them), and I found myself to be incredibly full by the time I reached the dessert table.

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